Best of Both Worlds: Thor Andre Gretland on Gutenberg (WYSIWYG content editor) and Drupal's Synergy

“Drupal is a great fit for larger websites, and the open-source space can compete with the larger proprietary systems by simply being easier to use.
All complicated systems are difficult to use - because they are complex and because good UX is not an on/off parameter. It can always be improved and related to budgets, of course. But to be able to improve it with a good return on investment, you need a flexible platform. This is where Drupal shines.”

Interesting question in this interview:
“TDT [13]: With the emergence of various page builders for Drupal, could this lead to potential content interoperability or migration challenges in the future?”

My answer would be: use Nostr for the long form content for example. Seperate the content from the editor and/or CMS. For Nostr this means you just have to use an editor which supprts the Markdown format. Gutenberg has no support for Markdown formatted content (yet).

#Gutenberg #Drupal #WordPress #PHP