I'm posting weekly updates on…

I'm posting weekly updates on what I've worked on for Nostr-PHP and other Nostr stuff at https://nostrver.se
This website is still a pretty basic Drupal powered one, but it uses some modules I'm building for crossposting notes and long-form content.

I just posted this nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzqrwzmjc5mz0efw9pty8p0r5lhjew789shct452pcgtuac4rc0qq6qyvhwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnnv43xzum5d9uzuer9wchsqxthv4jkktfjxukh2uryv96x2ueddehhxarj94cxsuqkgu8s7
which is also displayed on https://nostrver.se/blog/week-27-updates-nostr-php

This is how it currently looks like in the cms/admin UI of Drupal:

I'm also working on a feature to have multiple Nostr keypairs (users) configured so you can choose which user should broadcast the event to Nostr.

#NostrPHP #PHP #Drupal #POSSE