😔 #Drupal #DrupalCon

Dear Sebastian,
Thank you for submitting the proposal to DrupalCon Barcelona 2024!

In the past few weeks, our track team has worked hard on reviewing more than 400 sessions submitted by those who wish to share their knowledge with the Drupal community.

We regret to inform you that your session did not make it into the final selection for DrupalCon Barcelona 2024.

Session Rejected
Title POSSE with Nostr & Drupal
Paper Status Rejected
Track Open Web & Community
Presenting Author He/Him Sebastian Hagens
Affiliations: Sebastix

We appreciate all the time and contribution you have given to the Drupal and value your desire to share your experience with the community.

If you wish to discuss your topic with attendees, you can still lead a BoF discussion during the event. Submissions for BoF discussions will be open closer to the event and are available after registration.